HappyMod / Superhero Strange War Hero تعديل APK
Superhero Strange War Hero Mod apk أحدث إصدار تنزيل مجاني

Superhero Strange War Hero v3.0 تعديل APK [سرقة أموال غير محدودة]

تم التحديث في

معلومات التطبيق

الاسم Superhero Strange War Hero
Package Name com.gamebook.superspider.strangesuperhero.spiderherowar
Pubisher Gamebook Studios
الفئة Action
مشكلات MOD [سرقة أموال غير محدودة]
الإصدار 3.0
السعر مجاني
يتطلب Android 4.4 (KITKAT)

Superhero Strange War Hero Mod apk أحدث إصدار تنزيل مجاني

معلومات عامة

Superhero Strange War rescue Hero gives you the amazing opportunity to be a fighter at the same time. It's an apocalypse survival game where you have to use your strongest warrior powers to rescue the civilian from the fearless gangster fighters. You'll have to fly over a battleground where the unknown hunter is hiding. Use your strongest hero powers to perform your duty in the best superhero game. Superhero Strange War Hero game has a fantastic environment with a survival strategy. Apocalypse survival game has plenty of challenging missions.

With the help of fighting skill, escape from the city in the battleground zone. Rescue the unknown army rangers for survival. This is why military army chooses you for last survival in rescuing the civilian in superhero online game. Your flying mutant powers have always helped you to save your city from evils. Battleground making you the legend so everyone looks up to you. Now is the time to help army to save your country from sniper enemy. Sniper enemy has planned the war with up-to-date approaches. Militant army expects you to use all your flying mutant powers to avoid the sniper gangster. In order to rescue the injured civilian in time. All the army look up to you for freedom of combat & also believe in your incredible survivor powers so don't let them down. Fly with all your incredible hero powers, dodge the car with gun shooting & rescue the injured army shooter at all costs.

To rescue the injured soldiers from shooters in superhero online game. Modern weapons of strike & sniper enemy might give them an edge over. But your fly mutant & incredible powers are far superior to any modern weapon that enemy has. Answer the call of the injured & search and rescue them! They call to you because they believe in your monster powers & they know you will do anything to perform your duty.

Features of Superhero Strange War Hero:
- Be a true warrior by performing your rescue duty
- Action filled rescue missions
- Addictive gameplay
- Immersive 3d war environment
- Real life sound effects

Superhero Strange War Hero Mod apk أحدث إصدار تنزيل مجاني

معلومات وزارة الدفاع

تعديل V3.0 features

  • الكثير من المال

تعديل V2.0 features

  • تعديل عدد كبير من العملات ، يمكن ضبطها على الصينية.

تعديل V1.2 features

  • تعديل عدد كبير من العملات ، يمكن ضبطها على الصينية.


كيفية التثبيت Superhero Strange War Hero تعديل apk

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