Submarine Battle: Navy Warship v2.2.28 تعديل APK ازالة الاعلانات
تم التحديث فيمعلومات التطبيق
الاسم | Submarine Battle: Navy Warship |
Package Name | com.kick.russian.submarine.attack |
Pubisher | Kick Time Studios |
الفئة | Action |
مشكلات MOD | ازالة الاعلانات |
الإصدار | 2.2.28 |
السعر | مجاني |
يتطلب | Android 5.0 (LOLLIPOP) |
استكشف هذه المقالة
معلومات عامة
Join the world war simulator and show your navy warship games skills by diving in the world war and fighting with the enemies under the sea in a submarine simulator. Submarine battle games are always fascinating as they test sea games skills of a player. It is an interesting task for a player to dive under the sea and play a submarine battle warship simulator world war. You are assuming about submarine warship games as it is only diving into the world war and playing it like a submarine simulator. If that's the case, then you are completely wrong about the submarine simulator navy warship games. It is not about the world war or submarine battle simulator but there's a lot to do in a world war simulator.
Submerge battle submarine simulator for the world war, use heavy torpedoes and periscope to target enemy vessels carrying helicopters, jet fighters, and all modern weapons. Encounter your rival battleship with your precision navigation skills in a war simulator. Try to come to the least or water surface if you spotted an enemy helicopter in sea games submarine simulator. As a silent hunter, cruise your u boat underwater, in deep sea terrain of sea games. deep-sea shipwreck enemy cruisers, and vessels with your torpedo missile attack in this submarine simulator.
Experience underwater as naval commander of a ship in submarine games war simulator. Feel like participating in navy games and get the thrill of sinking enemy boats on the pacific rim of war simulator. Avoid touching any mines in the minefield of the ocean or the heavy explosion in the deep sea may sink your submarine simulator. Enjoy raging through water in this warship, the ultimate military secret weapon to target and attack both deep sea and aerial crafts with perfection in world war navy games.
Features of Submarine Battle: Navy Warship:
- Experience an amazing ride on a submarine simulator in a world war like never before.
- Fully armed submarines with heavy torpedo missiles for bombardment in sea games.
- Easy to play controls in navy games war simulator.
- Thrilling warfare gameplay full of action and strategies of submarine games
- HD graphics under the ocean with fish, mines, boats, and cruisers in sea games.
- Realistic sounds for blasting and attacking enemies in world war sea games.
- Immense fun of navy games and a war simulator in one game.
معلومات وزارة الدفاع
تعديل V2.2.28 features
- Ads Removed
كيفية التثبيت Submarine Battle: Navy Warship تعديل apk
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