Flying spider crime city rescue game v1.0.1 تعديل APK [سرقة أموال غير محدودة]
تم التحديث فيمعلومات التطبيق
الاسم | Flying spider crime city rescue game |
Package Name | |
Pubisher | Zee Bee Gamerz Studio |
الفئة | Action |
مشكلات MOD | [سرقة أموال غير محدودة] |
الإصدار | 1.0.1 |
السعر | مجاني |
يتطلب | Android 4.0、4.0.1、4.0.2 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) |
استكشف هذه المقالة
معلومات عامة
Feet the thrill of getting engaged in “Flying spider crime city rescue game” adventure, battle to rescue the New York city as spider hero or legendary fighter also city superhero from strange rope man games in crime city battle rescue missions with us police. In this fighting combat game, become super hero or flying hero battle of hero fighting games battle in the streets in the survival city where vegas mafia or deadliest real gangster group are creating panic in the gangster city.In the “Flying spider crime city rescue game” fight against the criminality as flying spider in the city the us army also us police as brave fighter in vegas district using crime fighting skills or crime battle abilities using action simulator or battle simulator or highly engaging hero simulator of hero games in furious battle in San Francisco.
In “Flying spider crime city rescue game”experience the feeling of getting in realistic crime city rescue mission where city gangster has intruded the survival city and they are creating panic in the city at different prominent locations to create the ultimate empire for the vegas mafia. In the superhero rescue game, provide assistance to the us police also us army to accomplish rescue missions as flying hero or super hero of hero fighting games. Are you fan of playing superhero games or highly engaging ultimate free action games then this spider game will fulfill your unique requirements. In this fighting combat game take the role becoming city superhero or legendary fighter also spider hero of strange rope man games & fight against the real gangster group in the futuristic city. In this survival rescue game, you will be assigned various rescue missions at numerous locations which involves rescuing innocent people from gangster kidnaping missions or city accident missions and rescuing people from in bank robbery missions using battle simulator or hero simulator also highly advanced action simulator of hero games at prominent locations of the NY City.
“Flying spider crime city rescue game” allows you get engaged in numerous crime city rescue missions as spider hero or legendary fighter also city superhero from strange rope man games where you will fight to rescue innocent people of the survival city from the city gangster which are creating panic in the NY City, In this fighting combat game, fight as super hero or flying hero battle of hero fighting games& fight against the criminality with vegas mafia also real gangster group with action simulator or battle simulator or highly engaging hero simulator of hero game in beautifully designed Vice City.
• Beautiful designed 3d graphics and animations
• Highly advanced controllers with real action with city criminals.
• HD quality audios having sounds and effects of rescue games
• Highly addictive spider games based play mode.
معلومات وزارة الدفاع
تعديل V1.0.1 features
- Remove annoying interstitial ads
كيفية التثبيت Flying spider crime city rescue game تعديل apk
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HappyMod هو متجر لتعديلات التطبيقات والألعاب apk , يمكنك البحث بسهولة وتنزيل وتثبيت جميع التطبيقات الساخنة تقريبًا. كيفية السماح بالتطبيقات غير المعروفة على Android? قبل أن تتمكن من تنزيل ملفات APK باستخدام Chrome أو أي متصفح آخر , يجب عليك أولاً السماح بالتطبيقات غير المعروفة: 1.انتقل إلى إعدادات جهازك وانقر فوق التطبيقات والإشعارات (أو التطبيقات في الإصدارات القديمة من Android). 2.اضغط على النقاط الثلاث في الزاوية اليمنى العليا. 3.اضغط على الوصول الخاص. 4- انقر فوق تثبيت تطبيقات غير معروفة. 5- انقر فوق Chrome (أو أي متصفح ويب تستخدمه) 6. انقل سماح من هذا المصدر إلى وضع التشغيل.
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