HappyMod / Ambulance Simulator 3D تعديل APK
Ambulance Simulator 3D Mod apk أحدث إصدار تنزيل مجاني

Ambulance Simulator 3D v2.0.1 تعديل APK [سرقة أموال غير محدودة]

تم التحديث في

معلومات التطبيق

الاسم Ambulance Simulator 3D
Package Name com.topmobgames.ambsim3d
Pubisher Mobgames3d
الفئة Simulation
مشكلات MOD [سرقة أموال غير محدودة]
الإصدار 2.0.1
السعر مجاني
يتطلب Android 2.3 (GINGERBREAD)

Ambulance Simulator 3D Mod apk أحدث إصدار تنزيل مجاني

معلومات عامة

Ambulance Simulator 3D is the best simulator of ambulance of emergency in 3D. Try yourself as a real rescue worker and feel on the practice, what is the hospital delivery after accidents and how will an ambulance save lives.

You are an ambulance car driver, and only your agility, alertness and courage determine - Will the doctors and paramedics rescue the patient? Take calls from the field of emergency and accidents, rescue people who become ill or injured or even have a deal with gang shootings. Do not forget that you are playing against not only the time: dense traffic, the city filled by the cars and ran out of gas throw a real challenge to your abilities.

- 8 ambulance cars: from the most legendary Russian ambulances to modern German cars
- Different camera position for your comfort: choose from the outside of the cat to a direct view from the salon, where doctors and paramedics are trying to save patient
- completely realistic medical equipment: from the couch to the emergency wheelchair
- The Real City with Unique Traffic control system with AI: traffic jams, accidents and the ability to use a siren and flashing lights
- Gas control in a real-time: don't forget to visit a gas station
- Unlimited set of accidents for emergency calls: car accidents, injuring, heart attacks, helping people on the streets, fire, and even wounds after gang warfare
- Progress control system: check the counter of successful calls and unlock new ambulance cars

Always wanted to know how does Ambulance on call work? Wanted to see how to save lives, making your way through the dense traffic with a siren? Then the Ambulance Simulator 3D - your choice!

Ambulance Simulator 3D Mod apk أحدث إصدار تنزيل مجاني

معلومات وزارة الدفاع

تعديل V2.0.1 features

  • Remove annoying interstitial ads


كيفية التثبيت Ambulance Simulator 3D تعديل apk

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1- افتح المتصفح وقم بتنزيل ملف HappyMod APK من happymod.com. 2.افتح إعدادات Android وانتقل إلى الخصوصية أو الأمان. 3.اضغط على خيار السماح بمصادر غير معروفة وقم بتمكينه. 4- انتقل إلى تنزيلات Android وانقر على ملف APK. 5. اتبع التعليمات التي تظهر على الشاشة لتثبيته.

هل HappyMod تطبيق آمن؟

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لماذا لا يمكنني تثبيت apk mod؟

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